
Monday (Pre-Conference Events)

Monday 11th July
14.00 – 18.00 Pre-Conference Workshops #ARPLE11 Pre=Conference Workshop ¦ ROLE project pre-conference Workshop
19.00 – 21.30 Informal Conference Welcome Event

Tuesday and Wednesday (Main Conference)

Tuesday 12th July Wednesday 13th July
8.30 – 9.00 Registration
9.00 – 9.15 Welcome
9.15 – 10.15 Keynote Keynote
10.20 – 11.30 parallel sessions 1: Learners’ perspectives on PLEs Chair: Linda Castañeda 18: PLEs and Inclusion Chair: Ilona Buchem
2: MobilityAChair: Sylvana Kroop 19: Teachers perspectives on PLEs Chair: Maria Perifanou
3: WorkshopA 20: BYOLA
11.30 – 12.00 Coffee Break
12.00 – 13.15parallel sessions 4: Portfolios Chair: Ilona Buchem 21: Technology Chair: David C. White
5: WorkshopB 22: PLEs and the Curriculum/ Pedagogy Chair: Graham Atwell
6: WorkshopC 23: WorkshopG
7: Speakers’ Corner Chair: Ricardo Torres-Kompen
13.15 – 14.30 Lunch
14.30 – 15.45parallel sessions 8: PLEs & InstitutionsA Chair: Fernando A. Costa 24: LearnersChair: Maria Perifanou
9: Research Chair: Mike Mimirinis 25: PechaKucha Chair: Su White
10: WorkshopD 26:BYOLB
15.45 – 17.00parallel sessions 11: PLEs and TechnologyChair: Carlos Santos 27: Poster Session Chair: Graham Atwell
28: Case Studies/UsersChair: Jose Mota 12: MobilityBChair: Peter Mortimer
13: WorkshopE 29: WorkshopH
14: SymposiumA 30: Symposium B
17.00 – 17.30 Coffee Break
17.35 – 18.45parallel sessions 15: PLEs & Institutions BChair: Lisa Harris Closing Session
16: Lifelong/Workplace LearningChair: Ricardo Torres-Kompen
17: WorkshopF Pedagogy
18.45 – 20.30 Conference Dinner

A final draft (all chairs and rooms to be added soon) of the programme can be downloaded in PDF format here

#ARPLE11 Pre=Conference Workshop

The Awareness and Reflection in Personal Learning Environments workshop #ARPLE11 at the PLE2011 conference is, according to the organizers, designed as a highly interactive hands-on session. One of their goals is to collaboratively work on the development of an integrated roadmap for future research in the domain.

ROLE project pre-conference Workshop

The EU funded ROLE project is organising a pre-conference workshop on ‘Challenges of Designing and Evaluating Usability and User Experience for PLEs (U2X-4-PLE)’ at the PLE2011 conference.

According to the ROLE project website, where there is more information on the workshop: “This one-day workshop will consist of short presentations of each accepted paper to set the stage. Ample time will be allocated for group discussion and activities.”