This page lists all the accepted papers – paper numbers are in brackets which you can cross reference with the programme
A case of institutional PLE: integration of VLE and e-portfolio for students. (113), Catalina Escandell, Victoria Marin, Jesus Salinas. Keyword: institutions
A Core Conversation about Motivation in learning with PLEs. (122), Annette Q Pedersen. Keyword: students
A framework for the adoption and diffusion of Personal Learning Environments in commercial organisations: An Exploratory Study in the learning and development sector in the UK. (130), Arunangsu Chatterjee, Effie Lai-Chong Law, Glyn Owen, Karen Velasco, Alexander Mikroyannidis. Keyword: framework
An Environment for School-based Mobile Learning. (158), Tobias Nelkner, Florian Schulte. Keyword: mobility
An exploratory study for the implementation of a techno-pedagogical personal learning environment. (108), Laurent Moccozet, Omar Benkacem, Bineta Ndiaye Mbaye, Vjollca Ahmeti, Patrick Roth, Pierre-Yves Burgi. Keyword: pedagogy
Awareness and Reflection in Personal Learning Environments. (151), Wolfgang Reinhardt, Thomas D. Ullmann. Keyword: research
AWESOME: A Widget-based Dashboard for Awareness-Support in Personal Research Environments. (123), Wolfgang Reinhardt, Christian Mletzko, Hendrik Drachsler, Peter B. Sloep. Keyword: widgets
Beyond the closed e-portfolio: Designing for the digital curation of professional identities for lifelong learning. (150), Alex Fenton. Keyword: portfolio
Challenges of Designing and Evaluating Usability and User Experience for PLEs (U2X-4-PLE). (146), Effie Law, University of Leicester, UK, Graham Attwell, Pontydysgu, UK. Martin Wolpers, Fraunhofer FIT, Germany Katrien Verbert, KUL, Belgium. Keyword: users
Competences Mapping for Personal Learning Environment Management. (103), Malinka Ivanova, Mohamed Amine Chatti. Keyword: competences
Creating (Any Device) Apps. (111), Scott Wilson, Sheila MacNeill. Keyword: Mobile
Design of a Cloud-Based, Distributed, Technology Agnostic Architecture to Support “Flocks” of Personal Knowledge Integrators. (120), David C White. Keyword: cloud
Designing to PLEaSE: A case study of personalizing learning for a Malaysian secondary school. (155), Mimma Sayuti Mat Khalid, Raja Maznah Raja Hussain. Keyword: secondary
Developing pedagogically sound PLEs – a practical introduction. (110), Martin Friedrich, Dominik Renzel, Erik Isaksson, Evgeny Bogdanov, Jose Luis Santos. Keyword: pedagogy
Digital literacy and participatory learning cultures among university students. (157), Tracy Simmons, Palitha Edirisingha. Keyword: inclusion
Do and how we understand the needs of our students,? (153), Mostafa Akbari, Hendrik Thüs. Keyword: students
Eportfolios and PLEs in Teacher Education. First results. (112), Gemma Tur Ferrer. Keyword: portfolios
eProfessional: from PLE to PLWE. (134), Enrique Rubio, Manuel Galán, Javier Sánchez, David Delgado. Keyword: workplace
Evaluating the affordances of an iPLE Network in an undergraduate level online course. (107), Oskar Casquero, Javier Portillo, Ramón Ovelar, Jesus Romo, Manuel Benito. Keyword: institutions
Flexible Personal Learning Environments, developed with netbook computers, to enhance learning in fieldwork learning spaces.. (135), W Brian Whalley Derek France Julian Park Katharine Welsh David Favis-Mortlock. Keyword: computers
From institutional repositories to personal collections of learning resources. (149), Julià Minguillón, Jordi Conesa. Keyword: institutions
From PLE to crisis. Thoughts of a teacher. (152), Martin García, Rafael. Keyword: teachers
How university students perceive the PLE concept? (167), Fernando Albuquerque Costa, Cristina Costa, José Mota. Keyword: students
Institutional PLEs. Paradise or Paradox? (132), Hugh Davis and Su White. Keyword: institutions
Introducing the HIPLE: Hybrid Institutional-Personal Learning Environment. (148), Ismael Peña-López. Keyword: institutions
Is iGoogle useful as Personal Learning Environment? (165), Sylvana Kroop. Keyword: aggregators
Learning beyond the curriculum: PLE and the development of soft-skills. (138), Mónica Aresta, Luís Pedro, António Moreira, Carlos Santos. Keyword: curriculum
Listening to the user voice to support personalised learning. (133), Neil Witt, Anne McDermott, Rob Stillwell. Keyword: users
Mahara ePortfolio – An Open Source Solution. (114), Stacey Walker and Meredith Henson. Keyword: portfolio
Map Services and AR for Mobile PLE. (154), Mostafa Akbari, Stefan Herle, Simon Heinen. Keyword: mobility
May I suggest? Three PLE recommender strategies in comparison. (131), Felix Mödritscher, Barbara Krumay, Sandy El Helou, Denis Gillet, Sten Govaerts, Erik Duval, Alexander Nussbaumer, Dietrich Albert, Ingo Dahn, Carsten Ullrich. Keyword: recommendation
Measuring the Usability of an Integrated Personal Learning Environment and Electronic Portfolio Assessment Management System. (115), Kevin Chris Marcelo, Daniel Lachica Jr., Michelle Lee Moscatel, Ma. Rowena C. Solamo, Rommel Feria. Keyword: usability
Merging Learning Management Systems and Personal Learning Environments. (105), Miguel A. Conde, Francisco J. García, Marc Alier, María J. Casany. Keyword: technology
Mobile Personal Environment for Higher Education. (159), Mostafa Akbari, Hendrik Thüs. Keyword: mobility
Modelling Personalized Learning Environment and Students Engagement (PLEaSE). (124), Raja Maznah Raja Hussain. Keyword: students
Networking to Learn & Learning to Network: Skills, Values and Technology. (136), Kamakshi Rajagopal Cristina Costa. Keyword: students
OPUS 2 – An Intelligent Personal Learning Environment Framework, based on the PENTHA ID Model, using dynamically assembled, profile controlled “Reusable Learning Objects”.. (100), Dr. Attilio Pedrazzoli, Dr. Luisa dall’Acqua. Keyword: technology
Personal Learning Environment as a Landscape for Developing Social Connectivity: A Networked Learner’s Experiences. (160), Mohsen Saadatmand. Keyword: learners
Personal Learning Environments – A Comparative Research Study. (141), Ilona Buchem, Graham Attwell, Ricardo Torres. Keyword: definitions
Personalised and Peer-Supported Learning: The Peer-to-Peer Learning Environment (P2PLE). (156), Joseph Corneli, Alexander Mikroyannidis. Keyword: peers
PLE and the creation of systems supporting continuous online professional development. (102), Ove Jobring. Keyword: lifelong learning
Preferred style of learning in the process of knowledge construction algorithms using mobile devices. (144), Ricardo J S Barcelos and Liane M R Tarouco. Keyword: mobility
Putting the life back into life long learning. (143), Tom Kirkham, Angela Smallwood, Kirstie Coolin, Sandra Winfield. Keyword: lifelong learning
PwLE: Port(wine) Learning Environment. (129), Carlos Santos, Luís Pedro, Mónica Aresta. Keyword: Workshop
RadioActive – ‘Jam Hot!’ Personalised radio ciphers through augmented social media for the transformational learning of disadvantaged young people. (163), Andrew Ravenscroft, Graham Attwell, David Blagbrough and Dirk Stieglitz. Keyword: inclusion
Rethinking the marketing curriculum for the social media age. (101), Harris, Lisa Harrigan, Paul. Keyword: curriculum
Rich and personal revisited: translating ambitions for an institutional personal learning environment into a reality. (127), Su White and Hugh Davis. Keyword: institutions
Role of Teacher in Personal Learning Environments. (121), Zaffar Ahmed Shaikh, Shakeel Ahmed Khoja. Keyword: teachers
Sapo Campus: what users really think about an institutionally supported PLE. (128), Carlos Santos, Luís Pedro, Fernando Ramos, António Moreira. Keyword: institutions
Social Networking in Second Language Learning. (119), Maria Luisa Malerba. Keyword: peers
Social Networking in Second Language Learning. (119), Maria Luisa Malerba . Keyword: language
Students’ Readiness for Personal Learning Environments. (140), Teemu Valtonen, Jari Kukkonen. Keyword: students
The construction of knowledge in personal learning environments. A constructivist perspective.. (106), Alexandra Saz, César Coll, Alfonso Bustos, Anna Engel. Keyword: pedagogy
The Flavors of PLEs: A review. (137), Barbara Krumay Felix Mödritscher. Keyword: research
The Implementation of a Semantic Web Infrastructure for Integrating Distributed Personal Learning Environments. (104), Emerico H. Aguilar, Rommel P. Feria. Keyword: technology
The Large Class Experience: Teacher’s Instructional Role in Collaborative Management for a Sustainable Personalised Learning Environment (PLE). (139), HUEY ZHER, NG RAJA MAZNAH, RAJA HUSSAIN. Keyword: teachers
The Madhouse of ideas: stories about networking and learning with twitter. (117), Linda Castañeda, Cristina Costa, Ricardo Torres-Kompen. Keyword: Twitter
The PELICANS project: learners’ experiences in building and developing PLEs. (161), Torres Kompen, Ricardo Edirisingha, Palitha. Keyword: HE
The potential of PLEs in Visual Incapacity providing Augmentative skills Communication. (125), Luísa Maria Pires Miguel. Keyword: curriculum
The Social Workshop as PLE: Lessons from Hacklabs. (162), Jeremy Hunsinger. Keyword: workshop
The Socializing Context of Mobile Learning: Sharing Personal Learning Environments. (142), Joel Mitchell. Keyword: mobility
Towards an Institutional PLE. (118), David E. Millard, Hugh C. Davis, Yvonne Howard, Patrick McSweeney, Heidi Solheim and Debra Morris. Keyword: Institutions
Tweetstorming PLNs: Using Twitter to Brainstorm about Personal Learning Networks. (116), Rory Sie, Eleni Boursinou, Kamakshi Rajagopal, Nino Pataraia. Keyword: twitter
Using Scrutable Learning Models to Support Personal Learning Objectives on Mobile Devices. (109), Wen-Pin Chen, David E. Millard, Gary B. Wills. Keyword: mobility
Widgets for Personal Learning Environments adaptable to the needs of disabled students. (126), Elaine Pearson, Franck-Olivier Perrin. Keyword: widgets