PLE Conference 2015 Call for Papers

PLE 2015 – the 6th International Conference on Personal Learning Environments – will take place in Galway, Ireland, from July 15th to 17th.

The PLE Conference intends to create an engaging, conversational, and innovative meeting space for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas, experiences, and research around PLE related themes.

The conference invites contributions in the format of “extended abstracts” or “alternative session proposals”. However, authors of both types of contributions will be asked to communicate their research and ideas within session formats that look to avoid the traditional 15 min presentation.

Conference topics

Topics include (but are not limited to)…

  • PLE theoretical and reflective frameworks
  • PLE as a key competence
  • PLE in formal learning contexts
  • PLE and Challenging learning contexts:
  • PLE and Analytics
  • Social Learning as the core of PLE
  • Future Challenges in the PLE context

Invited types of contribution

We invite three main types of contribution: “papers”, “alternative session proposals” and “doctoral projects”.

The PLE Conference has integrated both traditional and innovative formats since 2010, providing opportunities to present and publish high quality research in ways that stimulate creative collaboration and idea generation, and at the same time, create spaces for debating learning and interchange in many different ways.

Consequently, the PLE 2015 Conference therefore welcomes three main kinds of submission:

  1. Papers (extended abstracts): The academic communication process has two different branches: publication, and presentation. The PLE Conference treats written submissions of academic work and the presentation of it as two different, but complementary, practices. For this reason, the submission of the paper’s extended abstracts to the conference is aimed to share research results and to be the base of the discussion. Therefore, all the extended abstracts approved for the conference will be published on the PLE Conference 2015 ISSN proceedings, BUT they all are also expected to be presented in a dynamic -and innovative- way, depending on the different conference sessions to ensure that the conference is a lively and engaging space for interaction around the research that is presented.
    Some selected works, proposed by the academic committee, could lead to publication in some special issues /sections in international refereed journals.
  2. Alternative session: The latter may include a variety of types of interaction, such as workshops, poster sessions and demonstrations, installations, debates, cafe and pecha-kucha sessions, etc. These must be presented with clear objectives and expected outcomes, and should be centred around research and practical experience.
  3. Doctoral projects: to be defended in the Doctoral Consortium session, where research students have a debate space where they can present and discuss their research projects with peers and other senior researchers in the field.
    In short, the PLE conference is especially looking for originality and relevance of ideas in both form and content. What we wish to encourage are interactive and engaging ways of exploring the research field together.

Submission and review process

The PLE Conference is accepting extended abstracts for academic papers and alternative session proposals. Please submit your contribution(s) via the EasyChair submission system.

Please make sure that you categorise your submission according to Type. The submission form offers the following categories:

  • Paper (extended abstract)
  • Alternative Session Proposal
  • Doctoral project

Guidelines for the submission of Extended Abstracts

The extended abstract for academic papers should be between 1200 and 1500 words, excluding references, captions and tables. It should provide an overview of your research, following an abstract protocol.

The notification of acceptance will be communicated to authors no later than May 25th, 2015. Guidelines regarding the layout of the extended abstracts are provided below. (you don’t need to follow a specific template)

  • Title
    Titles should be informative and stimulate interest.
  • Abstract
    Articles must include an abstract of 300 words providing sufficient information about the research.
  • Keywords
    Present five keywords
  • Section heading
    Use a maximum of three levels of headings. Do not number the headings.
  • Figures
    Figures, graphics, and/or images should be at least 300 dpi.
    It is the author’s responsibility to ensure figures, graphics and/or images used in his/her paper are cleared of copyright and/or that she has the rights from the copyright holder to reproduce those figures, graphics and images. When figures, graphics, and images are reproduced, a parenthesis should be added to the figure legend stating the following: (Reproduced with permission from xxx.)
  • References
    References should follow APA 6th Edition style.
  • Length
    Academic extended abstracts should be between 1200 and 1500 words, excluding references, captions and tables.

Guidelines for the submission of Alternative Session Proposals

The abstract for an alternative session should be between 450 and 500 words. It should provide an overview of the session format, its objectives, and expected outcomes. It should follow an abstract protocol.

Guidelines for the submission of Doctoral Consortium Proposals

As a guide, the proposal for the doctoral consortium sessions should include the following topics:

  • Context and motivation that underpins your research
  • Key concepts for your research
  • Problem statement
  • Research objectives/goals
  • Mind map with references to the work main topics
  • Research methods
  • Current (if any) and expected contributions

The presentation format will consist in a 7-minute elevator pitch followed by an open and interdisciplinary discussion session that includes researchers from the technology, education, and methodology fields.

Information such as the name of the proposer, name of the supervisor, faculty and university, and expected year to end should be included.

All accepted doctoral consortium proposals will be published in the PLE 2015 Conference Proceedings.

Pre-conference activities

Should you be interested in organising pre-conference activities such as workshops, project meetings, and so forth, feel free to get in contact with the local organising chair.

Publication of contributions

Conference Proceedings

The PLE Conference is committed to an open publication model for conference contributions. By submitting a proposal to PLE 2015, authors agree that they or their employer retain copyright, but that contributions – if published – will be licensed for use with a CC License – sa/3.0/, and its contributions are going to be included in the current issue of the PLE Conference Proceedings ISSN


Selected extended abstracts will be invited to present a Full Academic Paper that will be proposed for publication in Open Access Academic refereed Journals with which the PLE Conference has established a partnership.

Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research
Date of Publishing: NAER is inviting papers for an special section dedicated to PLE Conference in the Vol. 6 No. 2 which is scheduled to be published on July, 2016.

Edutec-e: Revista Electrónica de Tecnología Educativa
Date of Publishing: papers for an Special Issue dedicated to PLE Conference in No. 55 which is scheduled to be published on March, 2016.

Digital Education Review
Date of Publishing:  DRE is inviting papers for an special issue dedicated to PLE Conference in the No. 29 which is scheduled to be published on June, 2016.

Important dates

  • 10.05.2015: Deadline for extended abstract submission, alternative session proposals or doctoral projects  (Final Call for Papers)

  • 25.05.2015: Author notification of acceptance of proposals
  • 10.06.2015: Deadline for the Early bid registration


  • 15.07.2015: Pre-conference activities
  • 16.07.2015: Conference – Day 1
  • 17.07.2015: Conference – Day 2


If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us at: pleconf2015 [at] gmail [dot] com


Here the Call for Papers in .pdf format: PLEConf2015-C4P

3 thoughts on “PLE Conference 2015 Call for Papers

  1. Pingback: PLE Conference 2015 Call for Papers | PLE Confe...

  2. Pingback: Call for Papers – International Conference on Personal Learning Environments (PLE) | studiumdigitale

  3. Pingback: PLE 2015 – the 6th International Conference on Personal Learning Environments | PLE Conference 2015

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