Submission of accepted academic papers: guidelines and new deadline

We have decided to move the submission deadline for all accepted academic papers to
July 1.
I am sure some of you appreciate the little extra time for working on your text. And we think we can afford this extension.

I also want to use the opportunity to remind all authors of accepted academic papers that you need to submit your texts following the guidelines below:

  • Title
    Titles should be informative and stimulate interest.

  • Author(s)
    State the author(s) name(s) and affiliations

  • Abstract
    Articles must include an abstract of around 300 words providing sufficient information on the research.

  • Section headings
    Use a maximum of three levels of headings. Do not number the headings.

  • Figures
    Figures, graphics, and/or images should be at least 300 dpi.

    It is the author’s responsibility to ensure figures, graphics and/or images used in his/her paper are cleared of copyright and/or that she has the rights from the copyright holder to reproduce those figures, graphics and images. When figures, graphics, and images are reproduced, a parenthesis should be added to the figure legend stating the following: (Reproduced with permission from xxx.)

  • References
    References need to follow APA style.

  • Length
    Academic papers should not be longer than 8000 words including tables, captions, and references.

  • File format
    Please submit your final papers as pdf-files.

Based on the experiences of last year we have decided that we don’t provide a particular template at this point in time. Formatting templates most likely become part of the picture after the conference in the context of some of the publication projects we are still negotiating.

So, as long as we all stick to a 12 point (readable) font, bold for headlines, and the brought guidelines above… things should be fine.

We are looking forward to your contributions!

Dr. Sebastian H.D. Fiedler – Tallinn Conference Chair