Andreas Auwärter

Participants > Andreas Auwärter

Web presence
Blog Podcasting for Learning

Institution: University of Koblenz-Landau
Country: Germany

PLE related research interests:
Learning through Radio – learning for life

Radio can scaffold learning in various ways. As recipient  it’s most about de-constructing offered information. Creating radio shows or running a station allows you to observe non-formal learning by picking up actual challenges, expressing the own interests by your or others. This learning context is not new and radical but in it’s combination with internet-radio and various channels of communication and feedback and it’s activity based character it’s promising to have a common basis to uncover the non-formal and more incident learning experiences.

As an outcome and at top of this a grid of “learning in action” beside “learning by training” activities has been setup intended to achieve learning activities to various peer groups within the project from adult based to younger children which is already in use. The questions of acceptance and inculturation are still open challenges and everybody involved is curious to thus development.